Saturday, January 19, 2008

Article in the Salem Gazette

So, we're in the paper again. The front page of the Salem Gazette has the above photo and an article which iss entitiled, "HERETIC OR HEALER?" Jeepers, who came up with that polarizing line - oh well, it is generally a good article, which is also followed by a short article about the person who challenges our way of doing things. He is fighting off police charges for causing a ruckus with his bullhorn over Halloween. Okay now that's a bit funny.

If you don't live in Salem, and don't get the Gazette, the story is here. If you want to respond you can write the editor at 72 Cherry Hill Drive, Beverly, MA 01915; or you can join the online discussion on the website. The online version does not have the print version title "HERETIC OR HEALER?" That was saved for the local people I guess.


Kieran Conroy said...

My, quite the hubub happened after I stopped checking the posts on this article. :P Not sure if anyone's reading it any more, but I threw up my two cents, for what its worth. TRIED to make sure I tempered it with love. :P

Pastor Phil said...

Wow, good words Kieran.