Monday, December 04, 2006

Trumped Up, and 'Robbin'ed

I have to begin by stating that this is a weird church experience we were involved in this last weekend, but it came with a series of surprises, and quite frankly a new view of millionaires.

There were six of us involved in a fund raiser for the church. The Learning Annex, which was putting on a Real Estate Expo in Boston, called a few weeks ago to see if we had volunteers to send to their Expo. They would donate the money which would normally go to paying for temporary employees to the church for each hour worked. Six people donated their time.

Yeah to Mizumi, Jeff, Gerardo, Maria, Diane, and well I went too. Gerardo and I worked as VIP Ushers. Jeff was the Main Door Monitor. Mizumi, and Diane (who is the wife of one of Mizumi's work friends, and just donated her time though she doesn't go to the church - how cool, thanks Diane!) worked at the booths which sold some of the packages the teachers where offering. Unfortunately Maria was sick on the weekend, after going through the training with us - sorry Maria.

There were all kinds of famous, and rich speakers. The big names were Donald Trump, and Anthony Robbins. George Foreman spoke, and preached as well. The writer of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki spoke. Some of these guys were good, and others were well - you know. One speaker stood out remarkeably - his name was James Smith.

Now who knows what might really be a rip-off, and what might be for real, but this I know, we raised some money for the church, had the opportunity to minister to some of the people at the event, and saw a field which just may be ripe for the harvest.

Thanks volunteers for all your hours!

At the end of it all Mizumi was offered a job by The Learning Annex, Gerardo had made a pile of new friends (which I think happens everywhere), Diane got to hear every speaker she wanted to hear, and Jeff and I had sore feet. Would I do it again? I'll let you know when The Learning Annex calls next year.


Robin said...

Those speakers: Anthony robbins and Donald trump, they are quite good. Have read some books written by Anthony robbins, and the other author Robert kiyosaki. But the last name you mentioned didn't ring a bell, haven't heard of him.
Interesting read. Thank you for that. Have a good day, God bless your soul/ Robin

Pastor Phil said...

Hi Robin,

Thanks for popping in. At this event Anthony Robbins had people on their feet the whole time, and they loved his speech. Donald Trump on the other hand seemed to disappoint most of the people hwo came to listen to him until it was question and answer time, and then he seemed to be much freer, and better at interacting.