Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day message from Bev

Every Mother' Day for the last 22 years Bev has been the speaker on Sunday morning. It started the first year we pastored. Someone asked Bev when she was going to speak, and she put it off by saying that she might speak on Mother's Day Mother's Day came, and the people who wanted to hear her speak had called her on it. She spoke that first year, and the following year just expected that it was the thing she was supposed to do. A tradition was born.

This year she spoke from 2 Kings 4:1-7. The passage about the widow of the Prophet Obadiah. Obadiah had been a rich man, but during the reign of Ahab and Jezebel hid 128 prophets of God in two caves, and fed them to keep them from being killed by Jezebel. He spent all his money, and accrued debt to care for the prophets. When he died his wife and his children were left with this debt. You can read the passage to find out how God helps his widow by sending the Prophet Elisha, and the miracle of the ongoing flow of oil which sustained her.

Adam was painting up front during the service while Bev spoke, and the result off his work is seen here.

So, that is the short version of Mother's Day at The Gathering.

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